We’ve been having a blast this semester creating our original shows. Devised shows are always a great way to get to know the personalities and interests of our ensemble, and that’s good because we have SIX new actors in our core program this semester. Today, we’re happy to introduce you to the latest addition to our Friday ensemble. Meet COLIN!
Name: Colin Baar
Birthday: July 1
Hometown: Hinsdale
When did you start acting with A.B.L.E.?: This is my first year.
Have you done any performing before?: Yes, at Hinsdale Middle School. I played the ogre in Shrek.
What do you like about coming to A.B.L.E.?: I like to see my friends.
What’s your favorite dance party song?: “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” from the Lion King.
What’s something you would like to do someday?: I would like to keep writing and get published.
In our upcoming production Are Your Still Watching, Colin will share part of his original screenplay - Ready Player Two! Hear his story in his own voice on December 14th
What are 3 words to describe you?: Funny, popular, friendly
What are some of your favorite hobbies?: I like to write. I like to play Xbox. I like to go to movies and musicals.