Television & Radio Segments
For an interview with A.B.L.E.’s Founder and Executive Artistic Dircetor Katie Yohe about our history and production of The Odyssey, start at 30:35
Good Day Chicago “Good News Guarantee” - May 8, 2024
NowChicago - September 23, 2018
The Jam Morning Show - August 30, 2018
Your Chicago on CBS2 Chicago - December 12, 2014
Print & Web Articles
Accolades for a.bL.E.’s films
“When she is with YOU, she tries harder, she is determined, she is interested, she is the best and brightest she ever was. To see that little girl who was so fearless of life, once again, light up a stage, is a treasure beyond words.”
“Flowers cannot say and words cannot convey the happiness I feel when I see my girl express herself via the Drama Group....My Alena was broken in spirit and in heart with low self esteem and NO Friends. I watched her transform into Beyonce on stage. It was the best.”
“Conventionally, we would think it is the artists’ limits and the audience’s expectations that are challenged through the work. But this group not only challenges expectations of what students with Down Syndrome can or cannot do, it also breaks the audience’s limits regarding how we perceive Shakespeare’s 400-year old works. It calls into question who owns Shakespeare, who has the right to perform Shakespeare, and what makes Shakespeare appealing. I would suggest that the A.B.L.E. ensemble actors own Shakespeare on a personal level that I, having studied Shakespeare for over 30 years, cannot match”