Hi A.B.L.E. Friends, Fans, and Family,
It’s a busy time of year for all of us at A.B.L.E.! Our ensembles are just a few weeks away from performing two original shows. We’re deep in planning for our winter workshops and spring ensembles, and are also gearing up for our biggest fundraiser of the year - #giveABLE2019. It’s easy to get bogged down by the sheer magnitude of stuff to do…
But then I get to rehearsal, and all the work makes sense.
At the end of every A.B.L.E. session, we gather together and recite something we call “I take from the heavens…”. This is a special moment to circle up one final time as an ensemble, center our energy, and say “thank you” to each other for our hard work. This time last year, as we were getting ready to take the stage at Chicago Shakespeare Theater for our winter performances, we luckily caught our pre-show “I Take” on video:
“I take from the heavens all that I need, and I bring it into me. I take from the earth all that I need, and I bring it into me. And when I have it inside me, I give it away.”
To appreciate this video, you need to know Ben…
Ben joined A.B.L.E. in 2013 when we were still finding our footing as part of GiGi’s Playhouse Chicago. Ben has the highest high-kick I've ever seen in my life; he moves like he is built out of springs. But when we first met him, he barely looked at us. Suddenly, after 6 weeks of rehearsals in which he never said a word, Ben raised his hand at the end of class and volunteered to lead “I Take from the Heavens”. I thought perhaps he would do the movement and we could call back on the responses. I was floored when sound came out of his mouth. He had been processing everything in his own way and in his own time.
Fast forward 2 films and 11 plays later to the moment in this video: Ben’s final "I Take from the Heavens" with our teen ensemble. He's articulating each word, projecting for everyone to hear, and holding on to every bit of his trademark physicality and energy. During the show, he stood centerstage for a monologue he developed about music changing the world followed by a solo dance to "Man in the Mirror." As the music started, from my spot onstage, I could hear his mom in the audience cheer him on, "Go Ben." These are the moments I LIVE for. And this is why I’m asking you to support A.B.L.E.’s crowdfunding campaign #giveABLE2019.
Our time with Ben and his family could have stopped last year.
But, thanks to our generous supporters, last season A.B.L.E. launched a new branch of programming to serve adults ages 22+. The need for creative expression and social bonding are doesn’t stop when you leave high school. Ben moved up to our adult ensemble, and we could continue building stories with him, deepening our relationship with his family, and watching his skills flourish.
Ben onstage during a recent field trip to The Goodman Theatre. Make more field trips possible with a contribution at bit.ly/giveable2019
My promise to each actor who joins A.B.L.E. is that, like Ben, once you find us, we will hold space for you.
But there are so many Bens. This year, 4 more actors graduated from our teen ensemble, and 2 more will turn 22 this spring. Each actor in A.B.L.E. is working on a different goal – whether that’s the confidence to stand in front of an audience, the interpersonal skills to work constructively with a group, or verbal and nonverbal communication. These are lifelong skills, and there are so many people with disabilities around the city of Chicago, around the country, around the world, who need and deserve a supportive environment to hone these skills. As we continue to expand opportunities for individuals with Down syndrome and other developmental differences, the costs of rehearsal space, classroom supplies, costumes, trained teaching artists, and all the other elements that make A.B.L.E. special add up quickly!
If we want to make a difference in more lives, we need your help.
As a young nonprofit, A.B.L.E. depends on individual donations.
For #giveABLE2017, our donors raised $2100 to launch our programming for adults ages 22+.
For #giveABLE2018, we doubled our number of supporters and raised $7,635 to cover the 200+ hours our ensembles spent in rehearsals creating FIVE staged productions for our 2018-2019 season.
For our #giveABLE2019 campaign, we’re daring to go bigger. We hope to raise a minimum of $15,000. This will cover the costs of space, supplies, and support for our ensembles’ spring productions. And, if we’re able to surpass this goal, that will help us make a bigger impact through outreach workshops, guest artist collaborations, field trip opportunities, and more. You can read more about the campaign and make a contribution at bit.ly/giveable2019
We’re counting on you to give a little, give a lot, give what you are A.B.L.E. for #giveABLE#2019.
We believe that everyone is A.B.L.E. to connect, to contribute, and to create. We believe people of all abilities deserve access to the performing arts. But, most importantly, we believe in the power of our community to make a difference. We can’t do it without you.
Thank you for believing in us,
Katie Yohe
A.B.L.E. founder & executive artistic director