We want everyone to be able to connect, to contribute, and to create. As an ensemble, we all have to work together and support each other in rehearsals and onstage. That sense of collective care extends to our entire community - our actors, facilitators, and teaching artists who are in rehearsal, our audiences, and the loved ones they go home to.
As we work to build more inclusive communities, people with chronic illnesses, long COVID, those who are immunocompromised and people at high risk need to be prioritized when we gather together. We believe they deserve safe access to opportunities for creative and social connection, and you would too or you wouldn’t be here!
We know everyone is involved in a range of activities outside of A.B.L.E. and may face varying levels of exposure, and also have different levels of acceptable risk. We recognize our policies are more conservative than some others, but it is our hope that the most vulnerable members of our community will feel safe and supported to participate in-person at A.B.L.E.
This page has key points from our comprehensive COVID-19 Policy, which you will need to review and acknowledge before registering for any in-person sessions. A.B.L.E. will continue to offer virtual programming, screenings, and trainings for those who need or prefer to participate in that way.
We need all staff, volunteers, and participants to:
Self Screen
It is not fun or productive to attend rehearsal if you are not feeling well. Anyone coming to A.B.L.E. programs should be able to say “NO” to the following self-screening questions:
Have you experienced any symptoms like fever, sore throat/cough, congestion, difficulty breathing, headache, congestion, vomiting or diarrhea in the past 3 days?
Have you been in close contact with anyone who has a contagious illness? (Close contact is defined as within 6 feet for more than 10 consecutive minutes).
Mask up
Masks are always recommended at A.B.L.E. rehearsals or sessions with more than 10 people, and required for gatherings over 75 people. This is to ensure that the most vulnerable members of our community feel safe to attend gatherings, and do not feel singled out, and to prevent people who are asymptomatic from unknowingly spreading anything contagious.
A.B.L.E. will have a limited number of KN95s available at each rehearsal for those who forget to bring their own.
Get boosted
While A.B.L.E. does not currently require proof of vaccination for participation in its programs, it is possible that our programming or venue partners may do so.
Communication is important onstage, and in keeping our community healthy. Just like in rehearsals, we have to work together and be respectful.
We ask you to share changes openly with us and we’ll share with you, too.
A.B.L.E.’s policies are reviewed and adjusted each semester by A.B.L.E.’s Program Team and Board of Directors. In setting policies, A.B.L.E. considers feedback from our participants, their caregivers, and our volunteers. We also consult with our peer theater companies who work with the disability community, and disability advocates.
These policies are subject to change pending advice from the CDC, World Health Organization, Illinois Department of Public Health, and Chicago Department of Public Health, as well as requirements set forth by A.B.L.E.’s partner organizations.