If you caught our shows this weekend, you probably noticed several new performers onstage with us. This semester, A.B.L.E. welcomed 6 new actors. For the first time ever, we also have a brother/sister duo in one of our classes as well. Meet one half of this dynamic pair on today’s blog….it’s MAGGIE!
Name: Maggie Marren
Birthday: October 19
Hometown: Chicago
Have you done any performing before? If yes, what have been some of your favorite roles?: I’ve been in dance recitals, but no acting performances.
What do you like about coming to A.B.L.E.?: The people are nice and I like being with my friends.
Who is your favorite performer and what do you like about them?: Marcia Brady, Carol Brady, and all the Bradys because they are funny and they’re a nice family.
What’s your favorite dance party song?: Any Taylor Swift or Katy Perry.
What is something you dream about doing?: I would like to be a teacher when I grow up.
What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?: happy, friendly, polite.
What are some of your favorite hobbies?: Dancing and watching episodes of The Brady Bunch.
Anything else we should know about you?: I have 4 big brothers and I’m a senior at Vaughn.
Maggie and her brother Matt dance together in an A.B.L.E. rehearsal. Meet Matt in next week’s spotlight post!