This session, A.B.L.E. has three different ensembles - 2 for teens (ages 15-21) and one for adults (ages 22+). Each ensemble is led by a pair of teaching artists, and supported by a team of volunteer facilitators. These groups will work together to devise two original shows. Each week, we share updates from the rehearsal room. Click here to read past installments, and read on to learn about our most recent rehearsals.
We’ve only got a few more weeks until our big shows, so all of our ensembles have been focusing hard on their stories. In addition to our usual routine of dance party, warm up, check in, and ensemble building games, actors are running scenes, cementing blocking, trying out costume pieces, and getting things stage-ready. Outside of our normal rehearsal time, our dedicated facilitator teams also met for their own rehearsals. This is an important time to figure out traffic patterns backstage, quick costume changes, and other technical elements so we can best support our actors. Scroll through to see some favorite photos from the past few weeks, and, of course, grab your tickets for O for a Muse and Are You Still Watching!
Teen Ensembles

Adult Ensemble