Spotlight: MATT!

We love giving you a chance to get to know all the many personalities that make up our ensemble at A.B.L.E. This fall, we welcomed a record number of new actors to our programs. We’ve been introducing them slowly throughout the semester in our Actor Spotlight posts. Today, get to know a thoughtful, funny, and focused member of our Monday ensemble - meet MATT!

Matt Marren Headshot

Name: Matthew Marren

Birthday: April 15th

Hometown: Chicago

Have you done any performing before? If yes, what have been some of your favorite roles?: Yes, I was in a talent show before

What do you like about coming A.B.L.E.?: It’s acting and that’s what I’ve wanted to do.

Matt is in our Monday ensemble with his younger sister, Maggie. Here they are dancing during an improv game during a rehearsal.

Matt is in our Monday ensemble with his younger sister, Maggie. Here they are dancing during an improv game during a rehearsal.

Who is your favorite performer? What do you like about them?: Jeff Fatt from The Wiggles. I like how funny he is when he sleeps.

What is your favorite dance party song?: I really don’t know.

What is something you would like to do one day?: I would like to get my own apartment.

What are 3 words to describe you?: Funny, handsome, and thin.

What are some of your favorite hobbies?: Wheel of Fortune, playing basketball, drawing, and listening to music.

Anything else we should know about you?: I’m an artist, the greatest basketball player, and a mad scientist.

Congratulation to Matt on completing his first official semester with A.B.L.E. and making his stage debut in Are You Still Watching (pictured below). Be sure to save the date for his next performance, Comedy of Errors on May 14, 2020!
