We love giving you a chance to get to know all the many personalities that make up our ensemble at A.B.L.E. This fall, we welcomed a record number of new actors to our programs. We’ve been introducing them slowly throughout the semester in our Actor Spotlight posts. Today, get to know a thoughtful, funny, and focused member of our Monday ensemble - meet MATT!
Name: Matthew Marren
Birthday: April 15th
Hometown: Chicago
Have you done any performing before? If yes, what have been some of your favorite roles?: Yes, I was in a talent show before
What do you like about coming A.B.L.E.?: It’s acting and that’s what I’ve wanted to do.
Matt is in our Monday ensemble with his younger sister, Maggie. Here they are dancing during an improv game during a rehearsal.
Who is your favorite performer? What do you like about them?: Jeff Fatt from The Wiggles. I like how funny he is when he sleeps.
What is your favorite dance party song?: I really don’t know.
What is something you would like to do one day?: I would like to get my own apartment.
What are 3 words to describe you?: Funny, handsome, and thin.
What are some of your favorite hobbies?: Wheel of Fortune, playing basketball, drawing, and listening to music.
Anything else we should know about you?: I’m an artist, the greatest basketball player, and a mad scientist.