Starting rehearsals for Pirates of Penzance has got us thinking a lot about all kinds of pirate things like big ships, stormy seas, and buried treasure. This week, we asked each of our ensembles some questions about buried treasure- what they'd like to find, and what they'd like to keep hidden away on a deserted island!
Monday Ensemble
"If you were a pirate, what is something so special you'd hide it away as your buried treasure?"
Anna: "A picture of me and my friend, Claire"
Colleen: "My whole bedroom and my music collection"
Emily K: "Love"
Ben: "Dancing and pepperoni"
Emily L: "Mom and my IPad"
Emily L. making her best pirate face!
Friday Ensemble
"If you were a pirate, what treasure would you most hope to find?"
Sam P: "A golden ticket to Wonka's factory"
Quincy: "Money and a cute boy"
Emma: "A penny"
Marissa: "Gold coins"