Hello A.B.L.E. Community,
Every spring, our Program Advisory Council meets for one of their biggest roles - selecting the theme and shows for our new season. After lots of discussion and activities, this dedicated group of Actors, Facilitators, and Caregivers unanimously voted for the theme of JOURNEYS for A.B.L.E.’s 2023-2024.
Our core ensembles will develop 3 productions around this theme for audiences to enjoy this season:
The Fall in-person ensembles will collaborate to devise an original production called Twists & Turns. It follows a group of people on a train ride through vast and varied lands - as they cross mountains, and weather storms, the passengers share stories from their own journeys about where they came from, and where they want to go. Save the date to catch this live performance on Saturday December 2 at 2:30pm.
The Fall virtual ensemble will develop an original digital piece. The film will follow the group on a quest to the Underworld as they work to unlock a prophecy and find The Man of Twists and Turns. This original film will premiere on the big screen and YouTube on March 20, 2024.
All 3 of our core ensembles will collaborate in the spring on an original adaptation of Homer’s epic The Odyssey. The production will incorporate film, puppetry, and music, and will be shared in a special one-night-only event produced in partnership with Chicago Shakespeare Theater in May.
As we mapped out the plans for this season our team was particularly drawn to the conversation about how we have to persist on our journeys and face different obstacles along the way. And it’s no wonder…we have been through a lot together in the past few years. Our journey has found us reinventing the ways we work together, growing our staff, and navigating the continued financial and social uncertainty that was kickstarted by the pandemic. It has been a long and bumpy road, and so I’m at a point in my personal journey where I need to take a pause.
I’m excited, scared, and most of all GRATEFUL to share that I will be taking a 2-month sabbatical from September 1, 2023 though November 1, 2023. During this time, I plan to completely disconnect from work. Instead of checking emails and phone calls, I will be traveling, reading, resting, catching up with some sorely-neglected friends, riding horses, and seeing lots of theatre. Here are just two important stops on my itinerary:
Over the past year, I have been lucky to work with the Center for International Theatre Development as part of the Linkages:Poland Project. I will join a delegation (including former A.B.L.E. facilitator Ben Raanan, who is now the Artistic Director at Phamaly - the oldest disability-centric theatre company in the country) to travel to Warsaw for the Generation After Theatre Showcase. This will be a jam-packed festival connecting with artists from across the globe and seeing a range of theatre, film, and performance art. So many of our ensemble members are of Polish-descent, so I’m particularly excited to explore this connection and the rich history of this country
While in London, I’ll attend opening night of Imposter 22 at The Royal Court and support my wonderful colleagues at Access All Areas. They are a groundbreaking company that has been transforming leadership in the arts for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities; A.B.L.E. owes much of our program and staffing structure to their mentorship.
This is a long overdue break for me, and I hope having space to fully unplug and recharge will make room for new ideas and fresh energy. A.B.L.E. is at an important nexus. We are facing steadily rising costs and stagnated donations, while still seeing a huge demand for our programs. There are big decisions to be made about how we want to focus our growth and the type of company we want to be. I’m excited for some of our staff and teaching artists to step into leadership positions in my stead, and try out some new ways of working. I can re-join them in November with a clear head ready to tackle our next steps (including finishing the strategic planning process that we began earlier this year).
“Katie has been a dynamic force for A.B.L.E. since its inception, and especially these past few years, with leading the organization through the pandemic a significant lift. The Board supports Katie’s sabbatical as not only a thank you for the hard work shepherding the actors and staff through the past few years, but as an opportunity for the renewal of the creative spirit for which Katie’s is known.”
This sabbatical would not be possible without the commitment and support of our entire Board and Staff. We have built a truly incredible team of people over the past few years, and I know that I can count on them to continue connecting and creating while I am gone (scroll to the bottom of this post to see who to contact for specific inquiries during my absence). Thank you to each and every one of your for giving me this gift of time. I am so excited to see what you make together over the next few months!
I hope you will follow along and champion our team while I am away. They need your continued support, and there is always lots of exciting work happening at A.B.L.E.! You can create a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign, attend one of our upcoming events, or make a donation at any time. Thank you for helping all of us to do all that we are A.B.L.E. to do!
Here’s to new adventures!
Katie Yohe, A.B.L.E. Founder & Executive Artistic Director
PS: As we prepare for our season of Journeys, our ensemble members are sharing songs that mean something to their own personal journey - a song from your past, favorite roadtrip songs, a song about getting lost, a song about our future and more! As a parting gift, here’s my playlist. Click here for a template to make your own Journeys Playlist.
Who to Contact at A.B.L.E.?
Contact Program Manager Beth Sherwood for all things programming, including:
you are currently enrolled in one of our programs and have a question about your ensemble
you need support from A.B.L.E.’s Technology & Travel Assistance Initiative
you have questions about our performances
You or someone you know would like to get involved as a volunteer
You would like to work with ABLE to bring an Outreach Workshop or Professional Development session to your company, school, or organization
Contact Development Manager Michelle Blose for inquiries related to Marketing & Development, including:
you or someone you know would like to donate to one of A.B.L.E.’s programs.
You would like to volunteer on our Development Committee.
You are interested in corporate sponsorship
You have a press or marketing inquiry
Contact Board President Dennis Rossow for questions related to Governance & Strategy, including:
you would like to join our Board of Directors.
you have to file a contract, claim, or other personnel issue.
you want to talk more about A.B.L.E.’s strategy or mission.