After three years of virtual meetings, I was thrilled to be part of A.B.L.E.’s in-person, three-day board retreat the weekend of January 20-22. It provided a great opportunity to experience all aspects of A.B.L.E., from strategic planning to experiencing an ensemble workshop led by two amazing Creative Associates.
Creative Associates are long-time A.B.L.E actors who have been hired by the organization to provide mentorship for fellow ensemble members. Sam and Rachel were the sparks that led the board members and staff through the paces of a regular ensemble rehearsal. I experienced firsthand the care and creativity that goes into each rehearsal, building teamwork, communication skills, respect for each other, all while having fun.
The three-day retreat helped us reflect on A.B.L.E’s successes and consider the future direction of this marvelous theatre group. Over twenty participants were involved in strategic planning, and in true A.B.L.E fashion, the group was inclusive; the participants were comprised of board, staff, actors, and volunteers. This diverse group helped ensure that we encouraged ownership of ideas and commitment across the A.B.L.E team.
To continue to grow as an organization, the board was provided a much-needed session on fundraising by Michelle Blose, Development Officer for A.B.L.E. Her professional guidance inspired us to consider our professional and personal networks in terms of resources for A.B.L.E., and her wealth of experience was evident throughout the session. Michelle’s positive approach to fundraising and resource development guided us through reflecting on our role as ambassadors for A.B.L.E.
[ID: A bright blue wall with a piece of white Flipchart paper stuck on it. A big heading handwritten in orange marker reads "A.B.L.E. is...". Beneath this are two columns of words. Some words have asterisks meaning more than one person used that word to describe ABLE. The list reads: "inspiring*, exciting, joy*, peace, love*, scripts, kind, community, uplifting, imaginative, THE BEST, welcoming, thoughtful*, together, amazing, exciting, learning, inclusive."]
The mission of providing performing arts opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities is a journey. The results of the retreat were not only in the generation of ideas, but the affirmation that this journey is in good hands with such an exceptional group of people at A.B.L.E.
[ID: The Board of Directors gathers for their final meeting around a large black table in a dance studio. The table is scattered with coffee cups, notes, fidgets, and snacks. Seated around the table clockwise from left are Treasurer Joe Marren, Secretary Kendra Van Kempen, Director Mary Kate Ashe teleconferencing in on a large TV screen, Development Manager Michelle Blose, Vice President Rosie Bross, and President Dennis Rossow.]
Now is a great time to join our Board of Directors and help shape the future of A.B.L.E.’s work! We take applications on a rolling basis throughout the year. To help us reach our goals at this time, we are prioritizing candidates who can lend perspective in the fields of law, marketing/PR, and philanthropy.