Our community is the heart of what we do at A.B.L.E. A.B.L.E. strives to provide lifelong learning opportunities for our participants. Our ensemble program has a 96% rate of repeat enrollment. This lets us build long-term relationships with our actors as they return year after year. But this has also created a has created a programming bubble. A.B.L.E. has operated with a waitlist since our programs began. On average, waitlisted actors wait about 2 years before space opens. When new actors join the ensemble, they often report feeling confused or nervous because they are the only new person in the group, and overwhelmed by the pressure of creating a show.
We’ve had to reimagine so much of how we work over the past 2 and a half years. So we wanted to reimagine the ways we welcome new people to our programs. With support from Innovation 80, we’ll be offering a new level to our ensembles starting in our 2022-2023 season….get ready for the stage with IN THE WINGS!
What is In the Wings?
In the wings is a shorter 6-week course. A.B.L.E. Teaching Artists and Creative Associates will introduce you to the basics of theatre. You’ll learn important vocabulary, and build foundational skills including voice and movement, stage directions, design elements, and ensemble building. Activities will explore a range of performance styles including improvisation, Shakespeare, and music. Along the way, we’ll build skills that will help both onstage and offstage like cooperation, adaptability, and communication.
A.B.L.E.’s Creative Associates are ready to welcome you In the Wings!
Who can join In the Wings?
In the Wings welcomes participants ages 13 and up who identify as having an intellectual or developmental disability such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, or autism. All learning and communication styles are welcome.
In the Wings is perfect for folks who are brand new to theatre and want to get started. But we’ll also welcome previous ensemble members who need to brush up their skills, or for anyone who wants a low-pressure, playful space to explore their creativity!
Each semester can accommodate a maximum of 10 actors. We keep classes small so we can focus on building relationships, and ensure everyone has the support they need to thrive.
Why join In the Wings?
In The Wings will allow A.B.L.E. to better meet the needs of our community. Actors can familiarize themselves with A.B.L.E.’s staff and methodology without the added pressure of building a performance. Crucially, our programming team can get to know their learning and communication styles, and meet their family or network of supporters, so we can better support them in the future. This program also offers flexibility for participants and volunteers who want to be involved with A.B.L.E., but cannot commit to our typical 12-week ensemble semester. After spending time In the Wings, participants will have the vocabulary, skills, and basics they need to be able to confidently join an ensemble and work towards building a performance project.
Participants will learn some of our favorite games like Elephant/Alligator (pictured here), and some key vocabulary and basic skills that will serve them both onstage and off!
When is In the Wings?
Our first course of In the Wings will be offered as part of the Fall 2022 semester. The course will run:
September 18th - October 30th (no rehearsal on October 9th)
The Menomonee Club Drucker Center
1535 N Dayton St, Chicago IL 60642
Watch for registration information in July.
We are also planning a course in the Spring 2023 semester that will be more accessible for families based on the South Side. Stay tuned for details!
We are so excited for this opportunity to offer different levels of engagement for our programs and give more people a chance to share who they are and all they are A.B.L.E. to do. We hope you’ll join us and help spread the word!
About our partners
The pilot year of the In the Wings program is supported by Innovation 80. Innovation 80 encourages and funds innovative programs that use the arts to engage and support underserved populations in Chicago. We act as a catalyst to foster arts-based programs that build life skills, including self-confidence, creativity, teamwork and persistence. Click here to meet the Innovation 80 team and explore their other great projects around the city.
Innovation 80’s support ensures we can offer this program at a low-cost to all participants. 100% of the prospective participants on our waitlist are over the age of 22, and have aged out of the school system. Many advocates for those with (I/DD) refer to turning 22 as “falling off the cliff.” There is a sharp decline in available services, leaving many adults with I/DD looking for a way to fill their days. Creative programs may no longer be available or affordable. Individuals with I/DD face lifelong financial challenges, including medical care and difficulty finding employment. Innovation 80’s generous support makes it possible for us to reduce the financial burden on our participants by offering pay-what-you-can registration.