This semester, A.B.L.E.'s ensembles are focused on PLAY rather than making a play. We're trying out new activities, revisiting old favorites, and re-discovering the joy of theatre-making in a low-pressure environment. Along the way, we'll build social connections and strengthen our skills for communication and collaboration. Read on to see what all 4 of our ensembles have been up to during our Semester of Play!
Sunday Ensemble
This week the Sunday ensemble had a blast exploring the world of IMPROV! They explored the three rules of improv: Say Yes, Add On, and Be Bold. While being bold and playing through some emotional scenes, Colleen had the entire ensemble belly laughing as she portrayed herself doing the laundry with the emotions of: fear, joy, and sadness. Her washing machine was truly bold and perfectly highlighted some true improv finesse!
“Being Bold” is an important part of improvisation. The Sunday ensemble’s check in question this week was “When is a time you have taken a risk?” This photo shows yellow post-its with answers from some of the Sunday ensemble. What would YOUR answer be?
Monday Ensemble
The Monday ensemble explored the theme of COLLABORATION. They explored some various games where everyone needed to work together and stay focused throughout: Circle Switch, On the Spot, and Group Charades! During Group Charades one group was tasked with creating a TV. Actor Matt M showcased some improv skills as various characters while Facilitator Shaina flipped through the channels, such fun!
Monday Virtual Ensemble
This week the Monday Virtual Ensemble explored two new types of characters: Barbarians and Wizards. The Barbarians “fought” over who was the strongest in a game that everyone practicing their skills for line delivery and physicalization. The Wizards and explored some unique potions. Emily L chose a laughing potion which was very contagious!
A zoom session with 17 participants - the actors, facilitators, and teaching artists who make up the Monday Virtual ensemble. Half of the group is posing as Wizards, casting spells with wands made from pens, hairbrushes, and other objects from home. The other half are flexing their strong barbarian muscles!
Tuesday Ensemble
The Tuesday ensemble played around with Shakespeare’s rhythm and words this week. The small but mighty crew played some high energy games reviewing the 4 main character archetypes and playing with rhythm. They put it all together with an activity called Lines from a Hat. This is a great way to practice being dropped in, and also t change our bodies and voices to show different types of characters.This was Maggie L’s first time being dropped in and she was a natural! She was able to portray a Lover with a great mix of listening and ad-libbing. Check out the video below to learn more about our Shakespeare archetypes and see some of the lines in action':
To play Lines from a Hat, each actor goes up one at a time and pulls a slip of paper from a hat. Each slip has a line or two of Shakespearean text. Most Shakespeare characters can be classified as one of 4 archetypes - a Sovereign, A Lover, A Warrior, or a Jester. Knowing the archetype helps actors make choices about voice and physicality for their line. Here are Matt, Maggie, Justice, and Sam showing off some different Archetypes.
Dance Party
This week’s dance party theme was Hip Hop. Here’s a playlist to get you moving!