Every day seems to bring something different. The world is changing rapidly right now. But we are carrying on…though it looks different than usual. Last week, all 3 of A.B.L.E.’s ensembles logged into Zoom for our first-ever Virtual Rehearsals.
These rehearsals were focused on coming together and testing this new format. Zoom is a tool that allows us to see each other in real time, with each actor in their own little video square (sort of like The Brady Bunch). We relied a lot on mirroring and good listening skills to make these rehearsals work.
Our Monday ensemble hanging out in the Zoom Room!
We tried to keep a regular rehearsal format with a dance party, warm up, check in, and performance activities. This week, check in was particularly important. Usually, we ask a question related to the show we’re working on or something that matches the theme of that day’s rehearsal. This week, we just asked “how are you feeling.” So much had changed since we’d all been together last. Many of our actors (11 our of 32!) have been in strict quarantine because of a confirmed case of coronavirus at their school. Everyone has had favorite activities cancelled or postponed. This week’s check in was an important time to share how we’re coping and processing so much change. As Claire succinctly said “Well, quarantine sucks.” A lot of people used words like '“confused”, “frustrated”, “sad”, “impatient”, and “angry” to describe their feelings. But pretty much everyone agreed it was so great to be able to see each other again!
From there, we played a some different games. Our teen ensembles reviewed some of the characters from Comedy of Errors. And our adult ensemble practiced their sign language for the Prologue from Henry V, as you can see in these videos:
These rehearsals were a big experiment for all of us. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to learn and refine what we can do on this platform to create accessible classes for our ensemble members. We are grateful the technology exists to allow us to stay in each other’s lives through this difficult time, and that we can continue to offer a valuable routine for our entire team - actors and facilitators alike! More than ever, we appreciate the value of the community we’ve built at A.B.L.E., and how much it means to have both a creative AND a social outlet.
A.B.L.E. At Home
We believe staying connected in the face of coronavirus is #doABLE! That's why A.B.L.E teaching artists and facilitators have created a video series featuring some of our favorite A.B.L.E. games. You can play them with your family or housemates while you’re at home during this time.
This week, teaching artist Emma MacLean explains how to play a WHAT'S IN THE BAG. This game can be played by just 2 people, but it’s more fun with a group. It is a great way to work on imagination, miming skills, and spontaneity. It can be played seated or standing. In this video, we show you two different ways to play - you can either make something up completely on your own, or toss an object in the bag and imagine it as something different.
Remember, if you play at home, we’d love to hear how it goes! Take a photo or video to share with us on social media using the hashtags #ableensemble and #doable.