As many of our longtime actors are graduating from our teen ensemble into the adult program, we’re able to welcome, new talent to our teen group. If you come to As You Like It on May 20th, you might notice a new face in our group. This young actress has hopped right into our Monday rehearsals and we’re having a blast getting to know her. Now you can too….meet SANDIA!!!
Sandia has a knack for fashion!
Name: Sandia Coleman
Birthday: February 15
Hometown: Chicago
Describe yourself in 3 words: kind, helpful, funny
When did you start acting with A.B.L.E.?: This spring!
Have you done any performing before?: Yes, I have danced in shows. My favorite performance was when I performed modern dance. I have also been in piano recitals.
What do you like about coming to A.B.L.E.? : I like acting!
Who is your favorite performer? What do you like about them?: Lea Michelle is my favorite. She is a good singer with a great voice. I like Glee a lot.
What’s your favorite dance party song?: Sean Mendez - “Nothing Holding Me Back.”
What is something you would like to do one day?: Make a movie.
What are some of your favorite hobbies?: Youtube and crafts.
Anything else we should know about you?: I love school.
Sandia with her (Schuyler) sisters.