We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: we have the coolest volunteers around! As A.B.L.E.’s programming continues to grow, so does our roster of facilitators. Today’s featured facilitator joined us in the fall to assist on our outreach residency with the PACE program at National Louis University. She’s gone on to become a regular facilitator for our Monday ensemble and is gearing up for her first official A.B.L.E. show. Meet MARY!!!
Name: Mary Feigenbutz
Birthday: 12/15/1989
Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
Mary’s a midwestern gal and loves winter!
Why did you start volunteering with A.B.L.E.?: I was looking for an opportunity to get back into a creative, collaborative space with open-minded people to make some great work together! When I learned about ABLE, I instantly knew I wanted to be a part of their work and mission.
What’s your job when you’re not with us?: I’m a Senior Product Manager at software company called Sprout Social.
Speaking on a panel at work for Sprout
What are some of your favorite hobbies?: I’m a serial hobbyist! I’ve taken 10+ art classes over the past four years including Leather Work, Knitting, Oil Painting, Stained Glass, Clay Handbuilding, and Drawing. Out of all of the art mediums I’ve tried, stained glass is my favorite. My grandma was a stained glass artist and every time I’m working with glass I feel more connected to her.
Do you have a hidden talent?: I play the guitar and sing… but only for myself. I have some serious stage fright when it comes to singing in public which my friends find surprising because I have been known to make up silly lyrics on the spot and burst out into a song from time to time.
Who is your favorite actor/performer? What do you like about them?: That’s a tough one but I think I have to say Reggie Watts. I like that he’s such a versatile performer and that he doesn’t limit himself to being just a comedian or just a vocal artist or a just an improviser, he combines his many talents and interests which results in really unique performances. He isn’t afraid to be himself and I really admire that!
If you won a million dollars, what would you do?: I would split it three ways: 1) set aside some money to help my family if they were to need it 2) donate to creative projects and causes that I believe in (like ABLE!) 3) travel
What’s your go-to dance party song?: “Life During Wartime” Talking Heads
Anything else you want to share?: As You Like It is my first official show with ABLE and I couldn’t be more excited for it. It’s been fun to see everything come together and I’m so impressed with all of the hard work that everyone has put into it!