We love introducing you to the many personalities who make up our ensemble! Today’s featured actor hopped into our summer workshop series, and now is a member of our Monday ensemble. She’s a focused and helpful actor, who loves the opportunity to sing and dance with her friends each week. Meet RYAN!
Name : Ryan Elizabeth Foley
Birthday: March 13
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois
When did you start acting with A.B.L.E.?: July 2019
Have you done any performing before? Yes. I perform with Dovetail Studios Express Yourself Dance. It’s an annual performance where a lot of people come. My favorite routine was to a song called “Mama Mia” by Abba.
What do you like about coming to A.B.L.E.? I like doing all the group work
Who is your favorite performer? What do you like about them?: My favorite actor is Meryl Streep because she sings a lot.
What’s your favorite dance party song? “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga.
What is something you dream about doing? I would like to pretend to be Meryl Streep’s character in Mamma Mia
What are 3 words to describe you? Loyal , funny, peaceful.
What are some of your favorite hobbies? Dancing, hanging out with friends, listening to music.
Anything else should we know about you? I love my golden retriever, Teddy.