We are so lucky to have a roster of talented, committed volunteers supporting our actors on and offstage each week. Many of our facilitators are actors or performers, but it's not a requirement to work with us. Case and point: today's featured facilitator. She's used to working behind the scenes at places like The Goodman Theatre and Blue Man Group, and we are so grateful she's sharing her expertise with us....meet Alison!
Name: Alison Perrone
Birthday: Dec 10th
Hometown: Madison, Connecticut.
How long have you been working with A.B.L.E.? How did you find out about us?: I started working with ABLE after a friend (our cinematographer, Brock) asked me to help out the "Spy" movie. After meeting the other collaborators and the kids, I just knew that I wanted to be more involved in this ensemble! I started to work with the Monday night class about a year ago and it was even more fun and rewarding than I ever could have imagined! I am so thankful to have been welcomed into the ensemble so warmly and to learn so much from everyone involved! Thank you all!!
Alison helping onset for The Spy Who Knew Me's shoot at Chicago Shakespeare Theatre
What's your job when you're not with us?: Unlike most of the other facilitators, I do not consider myself an actor/ singer or otherwise performer. However, I have been involved in theater for the last 15 years and have my BA in Theater Production & Design. I work as a scenic artist and props artisan by day and freelance Stage Technician by night. This past year, I was able to help in the creation, building and procuring of the props and set for our performances at Victory Gardens. I hope that I am able to continue to contribute more production aspects for our future projects!
What are some of your favorite hobbies?: I love, love to Travel! I enjoy meeting new and interesting people and immersing myself in a different culture when I travel! I also enjoy poking around antique/ thrift shops and spending time in the sun!
Alison traveling the world!
Anything else to share?: Shout out to my family! Want to thank them for all their support with all the crazy things I have taken on over the years. They have always been there for me! Thank you!