If you came to our show last weekend, you may have noticed several new faces up onstage. Not only were we joined by two new actors this semester, but we also have some new fabulous facilitators. This week, we're shining the spotlight on one of these new friends. This was just her first semester with us, but it feels like she's been with us a lot longer. She is proactive, positive, and brings great energy to both our Monday and Friday classes! Meet JENNA!
Name: Jenna Rapisarda
Birthday: April 8th, 1994
Hometown: Evanston, IL
How long have you been working with ABLE?: I just started working with ABLE this past semester!
Why did you start volunteering with ABLE? Had you done this type of work before? I have! I did a lot of work with this community in high school! I did Best Buddies after school, Book Buddies on my lunch period, and I was a gym leader during school. I also spent a couple summers working as an aid at a couple summer camps. My past work, and loves for theatre and inclusive environments led me to get involved with ABLE.
Jenna in a rousing game of Elephant/Alligator
What’s your job when you’re not with us?: I’m an actor, so I do a lot of auditioning and taking classes when I can, and I work as a server in Lincoln Park to support myself!
What are some of your favorite hobbies?: I love to craft and make creative things when I have free time!! I am also a huge fan of TV, Shakespeare, seeing live music, and true crime.
Do you have a hidden talent?: It’s not kept too hidden, but I love to sing! It’s the talent I’m most proud of :)
Here's Jenna belting it out in a show :-)
Who is your favorite actor/performer? What do you like about them?: Right now I’m on the kid actors in Stranger Things train! They are all so talented at such a young age and can reach such depth and vulnerability in their performances. As an actor, I think there is a lot to learn from them.
If you won a million dollars, what would you do?: I would donate a lot, save a lot, and I would buy some fun/critical things for my new apartment!
What’s your go-to dance party song?: Since You Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson