We've been moving at a breakneck pace filming The Spy Who Knew Me and absolutely none of it would be possible without the hard work and talent of our incredible crew! They are the first ones on location and the last ones out work hard all the hours inbetween. Today's featured facilitator is our Director of Photography (DP) which means he is responsible for the overall look and feel of the film, choosing the right camera lenses and lighting to get the pictures we want, and coordinating with Lawrence about blocking and how to set up on location. It also means he's been watching a lot of Bond movies in the past few months...
Name: Andrew McNally
Birthday: 9/25/1987
Hometown: Rockford IL
What’s your job when you’re not with us?: Film & TV Freelancer
How Long Have You Been With ABLE?: 2 short films worth
Why did you start working with ABLE? Had you done this type of work before?: I started working with ABLE because The Curse Of The Tempest Jewel sounded like such a fun and unique filmmaking experience. I had some teaching experience and I work in film and television, so it seemed like something I was suited for.
Favorite ABLE memory from class or performance?: Shooting all of our actors running up the steps of the Field Museum for The Curse Of The Tempest Jewel.
Do you have a hidden talent?: I’m a pretty good whistler.
Who is your favorite actor/performer? What do you like about them?: Tom Hardy. He’s so good I feel like people tend to under-rate him because he disappears into roles so easily.
What’s your go-to dance party song?: Anything David Bowie.
Anything else to share?: I’m excited to be a part of our second filmmaking project, and even MORE excited to become a dad in December!
Thanks Andrew for sharing your time, talent, and car with us on The Spy Who Knew Me!
Andrew and co-camera op Brock will also be editing the final film, meaning it'll be their job to sift through all the footage we've shot and pull out the best performances from each of our actors as well as building some killer special effects. Stay tuned for more from that process...