It was Halloween Weekend, so our dance party started with some Thriller and the Ghostbusters theme song. Emily K as the Red Queen and Sam P as a wolf led the Halloween spirit with their costumes. After warming up our bodies, we continued the Halloween theme with a spooky tongue twister - "A big black bug bled blue bug's blood."
Sam P. was ready to attack during dance party!
We then spent some time Milling and Seething around the room. While exploring the space we began to act as characters would in a Christmas Carol. We pretended to be scared, excited, sick, ghostly, and hardworking. It was fun to see the different interpretations of the students. When pretending like we had a broken leg, Mila was especially convincing making us wonder if she had actually hurt herself!
Even our schedule got into the festive spirit!
After finishing the telling of the story last week, we wanted to see how well we remembered the story so we played a game called Pearls on a String. We asked for the students to tell us an event that happened in the play. They then would go up to the front of the room and stand in a line with each person finding their spot in the line based on where in the story their event took place. Lucas was on point in remembering the order of things, and Jack was great at coming up with all of the characters we forgot.
We moved onto singing, continuing our work on the Carol of the Bells. We sang as big bells and little bells depending on the section we were singing. Lucas then took a turn conducting the group, instructing us which section to go to by calling out "big bells" or "little bells." Unhappy with doing just that, he started calling out the sections in Polish, teaching us all the words for "big bells" and "little bells."
Finally we reviewed scenes 4 and 5 to end class. Jack impressed as the Bob Cratchit in mourning for Tiny Tim and Natalia was moving as Scrooge on Christmas morning. We are excited to start working on more specific scenes next week as we move towards Auditions on the 11th.