After beginning with our usual dance party (this week including a very special High School Musical 2 sing-a-long) we moved right into warm-ups. Kendra got us warm by moving all of our body parts in different ways. From our heads down to our ankles. To check in with the students we asked them their favorite thing to do in the morning. As we were going to finish the plot of the story during class, we wanted to think about Scrooge's strange Christmas morning after being visited by the spirits. We had lots of people enjoying breakfast and brushing their teeth in the morning.
After we checked in, we played a new Victorian Era game. Called Hee-Ho-Hoo, the goal is to get the other people in the room to laugh by only saying Hee, Ho, or Hoo. Quincy and Alena had the hardest time keeping a straight face, while Lucas was the most composed, never laughing through all the rounds of the game.
We definitely had to take a break to let all our giggles out at the end of that game!
Once we were in the Victorian Mindset, we played a game of Guess Who to remind us of the characters. One student would come up to the front of class and draw a line from a hat. Then they would act out the line to the best of their ability and give a good pose and the rest of the class would try to guess which character from A Christmas Carol they were portraying. Some of the spirits were a bit tricky, but everyone could name Scrooge when his line started with "Bah, Humbug!"
Lindsay then led us through a recap of scenes 1-3 of the story and Kendra finished off with scenes 4 and 5. We've now covered the entire plot of the play and are ready to start work on individual scenes in the coming weeks. We're looking ahead to auditions and are excited to see which characters people want to play (there is going to be stiff competition for the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come!).