We began week 3 in the same fashion as our first 2 weeks. After sufficiently warming up during dance party and tongue twisters (Red Leather, Yellow Leather) we moved right on to our lesson of the evening.
Tonight we took a trip back to Victorian London. To start, we played a Victorian parlor game called "Pass the Slipper." In this game everyone stands in a close circle with one person in the middle. The person in the middle closes their eyes, and the people in the circle pass a slipper around behind their backs. Once the person in the middle opens their eyes, the passing stops and they have to guess who is holding the slipper (or in our case, the yellow feather duster that we were using). It is a test of observation for the student in the middle and a test of bluffing and deception for the teens around the circle. Lucas was especially good at hiding the feather duster and Alena was really observant at finding the duster.
Landing your time machine can be a bit of a bumpy ride!
After getting in the mood with a game, Kendra took us in a time machine back to the Victorian Era. We met Queen Victoria herself (aptly played by Natalia) and traveled our way through the levels of society. We met some high society members like Scrooge, as well as some employees and factory workers, closer to Bob Cratchet. The teens all acted out what those people might act like or be feeling.
Such excitement at Fezziwig's fabulous Christmas party!
After taking our time machine back to the present, we reviewed the characters and scene 1 of A Christmas Carol before moving onto Act 2 and 3. As we walked through those scenes the students used what we had talked about while touring the Victorian Era to inform how they were portraying their characters.
Next week we'll move onto the rest of the story as well as starting some singing.