In 2022, A.B.L.E. celebrates our 6th anniversary as a 501c3. As we reflect on our journey to our 6th birthday, we can’t help but think of the ways COVID completely transformed our organization - after all, 3 of these 6 birthdays have been celebrated in the midst of a global pandemic!
Needless to say, it’s been quite the rollercoaster. We’ve relied on the strength of our community to get us through, and to provide a safe space for social connection and creativity for our actors. We’ve pulled off some truly courageous feats of imagination. We’ve seen some tremendous growth and tried things we never could have imagined. There is so much to be proud of. And yet…
We’ve seen several actors regress in their skills; after spending so much time isolated at home, some of their communication skills and hard-fought independence have diminished.
We’ve lost touch with some of our dear friends as the digital burnout has been too much for them.
We’ve all experienced losses, stress, and heartache.
We’re still facing a lot of questions: How do we safely go back to in-person programming? What would that look and feel like? How could we embrace a “New Normal 2.0” in the face of continued uncertainty?
When the world feels topsy-turvy, that's when the arts are the most valuable. It can lift your spirits to connect with your community, to know you have something to contribute, and to create something new. That's what A.B.L.E. has always been about…and that’s what we all really need now.
About The Season of Play Campaign
This spring, A.B.L.E.'s ensembles will focus on play rather than making a play. We need to rebuild our creative muscles and re-imagine what it looks like to be together. We decided to forgo a Spring 2022 Show, and take some time to re-connect to what makes our organization special:
Celebrating PLAY and self-expression
Strengthening skills like communication and collaboration
Fostering a community and the value of deep interpersonal relationships
Being in the moment, and celebrating the spontaneous joy and laughter that come from imagining together.
We know we’ve made the right decision to press pause and focus on the well-being of our actors, volunteers, and teaching artists. But it comes with a cost. Not hosting a spring performance has a big financial impact; Ticket sales account for about 10% of our annual budget. To offset this loss, we need your help to raise at least $25,000 this spring.
Last year, you rallied around us and raised $25,672 for our High5 Campaign. These funds played a crucial part in helping us adapt and respond to the continued challenges and uncertainties plaguing the arts community. As we take time to re-discover the joy of connecting and creating together, we are counting on our community to match their generosity this year. Your support will help us to continue the work we’re doing, but also to ensure we have the stability to plan ahead for our 2022-2023 season, the security to continue growing into the organization our community needs us to be, and the flexibility to remain nimble when new challenges arise along the way. $25,000 ensures we can:
Rent rehearsal and performance space for our in person rehearsals and workshops. As we return to in-person programming, we are excited to work with new venue partners that will allow us to reach participants and volunteers in different neighborhoods around the city.
Ensure our participants with disabilities have an active role in the leadership of our organization through our Program Advisory Council, and employment opportunities through our Creative Associates program.
Share our knowledge through Professional Development opportunities for teachers and arts professionals who want to learn best practices for inclusion.
Support new staffing levels as we continue to expand programming. Crucially this year, we would like to hire a Marketing and Development Manager to help us build relationships and secure our financial future, and to contract guest artists to share their culture and craft with our team.
Keep our programs financially accessible for everyone who would like to participate by offering free and low-cost registration to families in need, and also providing support for our actors and volunteers through our Technology and Travel Assistance Initiative.
The more you give, the more we are A.B.L.E. to do...together!
We don’t know what tomorrow will bring, but with your support, we can be there to listen to our community, meet their needs and provide a platform for them to share who they are and all they are A.B.L.E. to do.
Other ways to play a part
Help get the word out about our Season of Play Campaign by sharing it with your network. Remember to use the hashtag #PlayWithABLE and #ABLEensemble when sharing on social media. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for shareable content, and download our social kit with suggested copy and visuals.
Play with Us:
Our ensembles will share an inside look at their final rehearsals with donors starting the week of May 30th. All campaign donors will receive exclusive access to a video series highlighting our favorite games and activities from our Semester of Play.