Join the actors of A.B.L.E.’s Monday ensemble this holiday season as they present an original production in partnership with Chicago Shakespeare Theater.
How does change make you feel?
What is something you would like transform in the world?
What is something you hope will never change?
Who has helped you to make a change?
Throughout the fall semester, actors collaborated with a team of teaching artists and volunteer facilitators to reflect on the concept of change and transformation. The actors, 9 young adults with Down syndrome and other developmental differences, will take the stage to share scenes, monologues, movement pieces, and more inspired by their own lives.
We have so many tales to tell that each ensemble will present their own unique evening. Join us for one show or come to both!
Colleen Altman, Christian Boyd*, Benjamin Collins, Peter Grzeslo, Anna Luzadder, Claire O’Leary, Sam Radinsky, Hannah Vilic, Lucy Walsh
Rosie Bross*, Nate Buursma*, Shannon Diegel, Kaylie Honkala, Lawrence Kern, Emma MacLean, Alison Perrone, Michael Russell, Beth Sherwood, Katie Yohe, Polly Yukevich