The Tempest is widely believed to be the last play Shakespeare wrote himself. The parallels between the playwright's own journey and the story of a powerful magician facing and forgiving his enemies, and retiring from his "art" can't be ignored. As such, The Tempest is a popular swan song production for many in the theater. Our Tempest marked our final show with GiGi's Playhouse Chicago, and also with Co-Director Mallory Alcala, making Prospero's big monologue even more bittersweet:
“Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And, like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep. ”
Semester Outline
Rehearsals began in late January as we focused on learning the characters and basic story. The tale divides into three separate plotlines – The Miranda & Ferdinand Love Story, the Trinculo/Stephano/Caliban clowns, and the Evil Plotting of Antonio & Sebastian. After spending several weeks learning these big plots, we held auditions in March; each teen performed a few lines from his/her favorite characters and told us what he/she most wanted to do. The final show was built around the strengths and preferences of the group. As always, our actors shared roles, with everyone having at least 3 scenes.
We can’t create without trusting, cooperating, and supporting one another. In class, we placed a lot of emphasis on our relationships and duties as an ensemble. We showed this work with partners in small scenes, and also musical numbers showcasing the ensemble as one big team. Everyone created a massive shipwreck with actors portraying the 4 elements (water = sea, fire = lightning, air = wind & thunder, and earth = the island). The Seniors performed Ariel’s song “Full Fathom Five” (set to the tune of “With a Little Help from My Friends”) and the Juniors performed Prospero’s wedding blessing (to the tune of “Eight Days A Week"). At the end of the play, the elements joined back together to portray the calm waters and happy winds that spirit everyone off the island.
Field Trip
Our ensemble attended a production of Short Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream at Chicago Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier and stayed afterwards for a Q&A with the cast
April 12, 2014 at Victory Gardens Biograph Theatre
GiGi’s Teen Drama Troupe
Colleen Altman
Quincy Bane
Marissa Bloodgood
Rachel Buchanan
Jack Butler
Benjamin Collins
Alena Counter-Brown
Kathleen Daley
Andrew Kosnik
Emily Kwidzinski
Emily Lavin
Lucas Miezal
Samuel Floersheimer
Sam Petri
Sam Radinsky
Hannah Vilic
Lucy Walsh
Mallory Schuh-Alcala & Katie Yohe
Aislinn Gauchay
Travis Gauchay
Lawrence Kern
Katie Lane
Tim Lane
Aliza Rothstein*
Susan Sjodin
Lindsay Stock
Kendra Van Kempen
Peter Van Kempen
Lighting and Sound Technician
Eric Van Tassell
Poster Design
Brandy Taylor of Graphic Sorbet