Join A.B.L.E.'s adult ensemble as they share an original collection of stories inspired by some of Shakespeare's famous props.
Whether a treasured gift from a loved one, a symbol of power, or a focus of desire, objects carry meaning. A.B.L.E.’s adult ensemble - 12 actors with Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities - have imagined 5 original tales inspired by 5 objects from famous Shakespeare stories - a crown, a ring, a lantern, a handkerchief, and a skull.
We turned our tales into a series of downloadable stories featuring illustrations by the cast, and a create-your-own-story kit so you can get in on the fun. The ensemble also filmed Shakespeare-inspired videos to accompany each story.
The Stories
Click on an image to download the full story
The Films
Every story in the O for a Muse Collection was inspired by Shakespeare. Explore our video content to see our ensemble perform some Shakespearean classics, and hear more about the devising process
The Artwork
Every story features artwork by A.B.L.E. ensemble members. Click on a collage below to see the full story.
Artwork by ensemble member, Sam Radinsky
Behind the Scenes
After the success of O for a Muse: Part 1 in the winter of 2019, A.B.L.E.’s adult ensemble was excited to create a theatrical event inspired by a new group of Shakespearean props this spring. The ensemble was 3 weeks into their rehearsal process when Chicago’s shelter-in-place order went into effect. In that time, the actors outlined Who, What, Where, When, and Why of their original stories.
We shifted to weekly online rehearsals via Zoom, and continued using our imaginations to develop these tales each week, and played with Shakespeare’s verse and various on-camera acting skills.
Ensemble: Benjamin Collins, Martin Conway, Matt Danaher, Peter Grzeslo, Andrew Kosnik, Emily Kwidzinski, Matthew LaChappelle, Emily Lavin, Maddi Perez, Justice Peters-Farrell, Sam Radinsky, Jake Solworth
Teaching Artists: Lawrence Kern & Katie Yohe
Facilitators: Nette Angelini, Claire Chrzan, Kara Davidson, Arin Mulvaney, Ben Raanan
Sign Language Consultant: Katie Mann/4th Wall Theatre Co.